Larry Brown
Oscar Ferenczi
All across the country, business owners SWEAT over their taxes in preparation for the looming tax submission date on April 15. But here at How To MANAGE, many of our members are celebrating on this day....
Celebrating? How can anyone be celebrating?!?
We GUARANTEE that we will show you how to save at least $7500 this year, $7500 next year, and $7500 the year after that.
What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing...
So unless you enjoy spending money on your taxes, attend the workshop, and join the ranks of our members who celebrate saving money every April 15!
Becoming an educated consumer of professional tax strategy services means you don’t just abdicate this responsibility to a tax strategist.
No tax strategist can make your plans for you.
Not even the best accountant in the world can turn back time and help you set things up in a way that allows you to maximize your tax savings. Saying “I don’t have to learn how to be involved and proactive in my tax strategies because I hired X as my accountant” is an abdication of your responsibility and denies you the power and fun of being proactive and informed.
During this workshop we will review your financials and identify the top 10 strategies that will put significant profit back in your pocket – instead of sending it to the IRS…
NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.
NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.
All across the country, business owners SWEAT over their taxes in preparation for the looming tax submission date on April 15. But here at How To MANAGE, many of our members are celebrating on this day....
Celebrating? How can anyone be celebrating?!?
We GUARANTEE that we will show you how to save at least $7500 this year, $7500 next year, and $7500 the year after that.
What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing...
So unless you enjoy spending money on your taxes, attend the workshop, and join the ranks of our members who celebrate saving money every April 15!
Becoming an educated consumer of professional tax strategy services means you don’t just abdicate this responsibility to a tax strategist.
No tax strategist can make your plans for you.
Not even the best accountant in the world can turn back time and help you set things up in a way that allows you to maximize your tax savings. Saying “I don’t have to learn how to be involved and proactive in my tax strategies because I hired X as my accountant” is an abdication of your responsibility and denies you the power and fun of being proactive and informed.
During this workshop we will review your financials and identify the top 10 strategies that will put significant profit back in your pocket – instead of sending it to the IRS…