This is "A Really Great Workshop about some very important stuff that you'll be really glad you attended and will even feel bad for everyone who missed out, because you early renewed your engagement with How To Manage”.
Do you have a BURNING QUESTION you need an answer for?
Ready to get your MIND BLOWN?
Enjoy getting INSPIRED by your peers?
This is an unstructured, informal, "open mic", 2-day long get your questions answered by RJon.
The direction of topics will ebb and flow based on the needs of the group. So don't ask us what the topic is!
* A Really Great Workshop is a bonus workshop offered to members that renew their engagement early
NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.
NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.
This is "A Really Great Workshop about some very important stuff that you'll be really glad you attended and will even feel bad for everyone who missed out, because you early renewed your engagement with How To Manage”.
Do you have a BURNING QUESTION you need an answer for?
Ready to get your MIND BLOWN?
Enjoy getting INSPIRED by your peers?
This is an unstructured, informal, "open mic", 2-day long get your questions answered by RJon.
The direction of topics will ebb and flow based on the needs of the group. So don't ask us what the topic is!
* A Really Great Workshop is a bonus workshop offered to members that renew their engagement early